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''Kaj opaziš PRVO, ko me pogledaš?'' Je zapisala pod sliko in javno priznala, KAJ JE STORILA

Cassey si je po dolgih letih odstranila silikonske vložke in zaživela
Ključne besede: oprsje, prsi, umetno, silikoni, operacija, samozavest, zmanjšanje, odstranitev
''Kaj opaziš prvo, ko pogledaš tole sliko? Daj no ... lahko rečeš! Vse kar vidiš je zelo velike umetne prsi!'' je zapisala fitnes trenerka Cassey Maynard pod sliko in opisala, kako si je pred 11-imi leti povečala prsi, zdaj pa se je odločila za spremembo. Napočil je čas, da se znebi silikonskih vložkov in prsi vrne v naravno velikost. Iz velikosti E se je vrnila nazaj na B in dejala, da je sedaj življenje mnogo lepše. View this post on Instagram What do you see when you look at this photo? Come on... you can say it! All I see is some very large fake BOOBS. I originally got my implants in Dubai over 11 years ago when I hated what I saw in the mirror. I felt like I wasn’t good enough and I was constantly comparing myself to all the beautiful flight attendants I worked alongside at Emirates Airlines. Plastic fantastic was 10000000% in at that time and I followed the trend to fit in and feel good in my own skin. Fast forward 6 months to when I moved back home and realised they had screwed them up and I needed to get them redone!!! That should have been my opportunity to just let them go forever but I was still in a stage where I wasn’t confident so I went back for more and this time I got them even BIGGER! These boobs have been part of me for a very long time without any issues, but over the last year I’ve been feeling really insecure about them. They don’t feel like my vibe anymore, they are uncomfortable and I’m constantly trying to keep them on the low down. Every time I see myself naked that’s all I see... Big fake boobs that no longer serve me. The last few months I honestly believe my body has been rejecting them. I know there has been some movement and I’ve been a very sick, anxious and stressed little lady. I’ve just wanted them out. But on the flip side I’ve also gone through the stress and fear of the unknown about WTF my natural boobies look like. I’ve been desperately searching through old photos and all I can see is a fabulous rack. A sexy B cup....sooooooooo I’m trying to not let fear set in and continue with my decision to get them removed. I’m going to share my entire journey with you all as I want to help others going through something similar, and hopefully also inspire ladies that are considering getting any work done to really think about it before going under the knife. I’m not against plastic surgery at all and believe that everyone can make their own decisions, but I’m here if anyone wants to chat. I’m going in for my operation next Thursday so please wish me luck and send me all the good healthy vibes ???? #explant #explantjourney A post shared by CASS MAYNARD (@cassey.maynard) on May 16, 2019 at 7:46pm PDT ''Živela sem v Dubaju, kjer je vse ''plastično'' izredno dostopno in denarno ugodno. Začela sem se primerjati s tamkajšnjimi ženskami, ki so bile tako popolne in lepe ter se odločila, da si povečam prsi. Postala sem bolj samozavestna!''Ko se je preselila v Avstralijo, pa so se s silikonskimi vložki začele pojavljati težave in je morala nujno na operacijo. Spoznala je, da za lepoto ni vredno trpeti in si jih odstranila. Dejala je, da so jo ljudje vedno jemali neresno in kot objekt poželenja. Nihče se ni osredotočal na njeno osebnost in karakter, ampak le na videz in prsi. Zdaj je temu naredila konec in spoznala, da je naredila najboljšo odločitev v svojem življenju.  View this post on Instagram It’s been a long emotional day but the operation went really well and I’m in great spirits (maybe still a little high!) I kept surprising calm through all the waiting pre surgery thanks to lots of deep belly breathing, positive thoughts and a healing crystal in hand. I’m so grateful for all the love and support you have all shared. Special thanks to @maryjanemorse + @_torimay_ for being by my bed side. Now time to rest, recover and heal...???? Can’t wait to meet my new/old girls again! #explantsurgery A post shared by CASS MAYNARD (@cassey.maynard) on May 23, 2019 at 1:58am PDT Operacija se je končala uspešno, telo je lepo okrevalo in Cassey je končno postala zopet zadovoljna s svojim videzom.