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Grozno, kaj je morala početi njegova MAMA, da sta z ženo lahko potovala po svetu!

Influencerja sta razjezila svoje sledilce
Ključne besede: influencer, Instagram, Catalin Onc, Elena Engelhardt
Zakonca Catalin Onc in Elena Engelhardt iz Nemčije sta influencerja, ki na svojem Instagram profilu objavljata fotografije nepozabnih trenutkov s svojih potovanj po svetu. Obiskala sta že Bali, Indonezijo, Nepal, Francijo in Italijo. Sledilci so ju imeli radi in s pozitivnimi komentarji spremljali vsako njuno objavo, a le do nedavnega. Svoje oboževalce sta namreč močno razjezila z objavo, v kateri sta zapisala, da sta za potrebe financiranja njunega naslednjega potovanja ustvarila kampanjo na portalu GoFundMe in lahko tako vsi njuni oboževalci prispevajo denar, da si bosta lahko privoščila potovanje po Afriki. A to še ni vse, priznala sta tudi, da je morala njegova mama opravljati dve službi zato, da sta onadva lahko potovala po svetu in delila svoje trenutke na Instagramu.    View this post on Instagram We could write a long text about mental health or global warming. We could tell you about following your dreams, or how important stepping out of your comfort zone is. We could tell you how beautiful traveling is, and it’s benefits, or the fact that most news don’t match reality. But we’re going to show you!  Less talking more action. Starting on the 20th of July in the middle of Germany, on a tandem, me and Eli  will cycle towards Africa, and hopefully beyond. We want to take you all on this huge adventure. A celebration of life, as we ride freely across mountains, by the sea and through metropolitans. We will show the beauty of this planet and it’s inhabitants, but also the ugliness. But we can not do this on our own. We need you! The funds we raise will go towards the bike and gear, food and accommodation (when needed), internet and SIM cards in every country to keep you up to date, insurance, emergencies. We need funds now for preparation as well as throughout our trip. Every dollar, every message, every couch or garden for our tent, any help you can offer will help us go further.  We hope you all enjoy and learn with us. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE another beautiful day with love Cat and Eli Link in bio Or paypal A post shared by CAT AND ELENA (@another_beautiful_day_official) on Jun 9, 2019 at 3:54am PDT   ''Nekateri boste dejali, naj si poiščeva službi – kot jih imajo vsi drugi ljudje, rekli boste, naj nehava prosjačiti. A ko si enkrat na takšnem položaju, da s svojimi objavami dejansko vplivaš na življenja tisočih, iskanje službe ne pride v poštev.' Pod dotično objavo se je seveda vsul plaz kritik in negativnih komentarjev, ljudje niso mogli verjeti, kako sta lahko tako sebična in dovolita, da mora mama opravljati dve službi samo zato, da bi onadva lahko potovala in se fotkala na različnih lokacijah. Zakonca sta se po navalu jeze svojih sledilcev, ki so ju tudi množično začeli zapuščati, sta za nekaj časa napovedala umik z Instagrama.  "Hodil bom tako dolgo, kot bo v moji moči. Brez spanja, brez socilanih omrežij, brez motečih distrakcij. Samo jaz in moje misli. Čas je za duhovnost.''   A tudi ta objava pri njunih sledilcih ni padla na plodna tla. Eden od uporabnikov jima je napisal: "Sprehodi se do razgovora za službo!"  View this post on Instagram LOOK WITHIN And with this post, I will step away from social media for a little while. I mentioned that I'll be doing the hardest thing I've ever done mentally and physically, soon. Here it is. I am going on a walk. I will walk as long as I possibly can. No sleep, No social media, No distractions. Just me and my brain out there. This first came to my mind in the Himalayan mountains, where I got to experience what my mind, body and soul are capable of. Now I'm going to take it even further. I am ready to face whatever is buried deep inside me. those doing the 30 day challenge, carry on. Remember why you started and keep moving forward. Much love to you all. Time to do some soul work. A post shared by CAT AND ELENA (@another_beautiful_day_official) on Jun 17, 2019 at 12:41am PDT