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Eden od dvojčkov je za 12 tednov postal VEGAN, drugi pa MESOJEDEC! Takšnih rezultatov nista pričakovala ...

Tisti, ki je jedel le vegansko, je shujšal in imel več energije
Ključne besede: dvojčka, dieta, vegan, meso, razlika, hujšanje, test, preizkus, brata
Enojajčna dvojčka Hugo in Ross sta se lotila 12-tednskega eksperimenta s hrano. Ross je v svoj jedilnik vsak dan vključil meso, Hugo pa ga je popolnoma izločil oz. je prenehal jesti vse živalske izdelke ter postal vegan.Oba sta trenirala enako in v fitnesu preživela 5 x do 6 x na teden. Prav tako sta v telo vnašala enako vrednost kalorij. Po 3 mesecih hujšanja pa je bil čas za rezultate, ki so jih opravili znanstveniki na Londonskem inštitutu in jih ves ta čas tudi spremljali. Hugo (levo) in Ross (desno): View this post on Instagram How will our bodies differ on a plant and meat based diet?? ???? ? Not sure? Then we can't help you either but we're looking forward to finding out. ??? ? This picture documents our size and shape before our training program.? ? #menshealth #fitness #training #bodypositive #virginactive #twins #?plantvsmeat #vegan #veganrecipes #mindfulchef #breitling #topless #fitnessmotivation #trainingmotivation #january2020 #gym #healthylifestyle #health #diet #dietfood #muscle #healthylifestyle #twins #brothers #gymlife #gymmotivation #gymfood #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #meatdiet #trainingdiet A post shared by The Turner Twins (@theturnertwiins) on Jan 11, 2020 at 1:28am PST Hugo, ki se je lotil veganskega načina prehranjevanja je pred tem tehtal 83,9 kilogramov in imel je 13 % maščobe v telesu. Na koncu eksperimenta je shujšal 1,8 kg, se pravi je njegova teža znašala 82,1 kilogramov. Procent maščobe pa se mu je zmanjšal na 12 %. Znižal se mu je tudi holesterol. Dejal je, da je imel več energije, nič več se ni počutil utrujenega ali zaspanega. Ker ni smel jesti čipsa in ostalih slanih prigrizkov, ki jih je imel rad, je to zamenjal za sadje ter oreščke. View this post on Instagram Side profiles before our training program. ????? ? We're not going to say our postures are perfect by any means, so it will be interesting to see how they might change and improve by the end of our training.? ? Hugo's neck injury hasn't helped his posture, so that'll be one thing he can focus on. Ross therefore has a completely average, if not poor, posture. ?? ? #gym #plantvsmeat #fitness #twins #bodyshape #muscle #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #plantbaseddiet #vegan #veganfood #sportsscience #gymshark #training #adventuretraining #brothers #menshealth #virginactive A post shared by The Turner Twins (@theturnertwiins) on Jan 13, 2020 at 4:28am PST Šlo je za krajši eksperiment in verjameta, da če bi trajalo dlje časa, bi bile razlike še bolj očitne. Pravita, da bi znova ponovila in se držala diete celo več kot pol leta.  View this post on Instagram One of us went vegan. The other didn't. Here's what happened next... ?? Vs ??? ? To find out more about our vegan vs meat fitness programme head over to our facebook page. @menshealthuk @mindfulchefuk @virginactiveuk ? #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #gymlife #workout #workoutmotivation #homeworkout #vegan #vegandiets #menshealth #menshealthmagazine #meatvsvegan #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #plantbaseddiet #plantbasedvegan #turnertwins #diet #dietplan A post shared by The Turner Twins (@theturnertwiins) on May 18, 2020 at 11:01am PDT